Fixed Partial Denture

Fixed Partial Denture

When you are missing one or more teeth, your dentist may recommend that you get a fixed partial denture (FPD).

The main purpose of the fixed partial denture is to replace the lost teeth and help to restore chewing function. They can also improve appearance, speech, and oral health if placed properly. The best results are achieved when replacing both upper and lower teeth at the same time.

The fixed partial denture replaces your missing upper and/or lower teeth, and is designed so it can be attached to neighbouring teeth. If you have no adjacent teeth remaining, an implant may be placed instead to provide a ‘base’ for the denture. Sometimes a portion of the fixed partial denture fits over surrounding healthy tooth roots, making them stronger and better able to support the prosthesis. Your dental team will work with you during smile design and denture construction to ensure that your new smile and bite work properly with your existing teeth.