Dentures vs. Dental Implants in Brisbane

Dentures vs. Dental Implants in Brisbane

Dentures vs. Dental Implants in Brisbane

Missing teeth can harm you in ways other than your appearance. If you’ve lost one or more teeth, filling the gap can help you avoid oral health problems and keep your healthy teeth from shifting and becoming crooked on either side. Your dentist will discuss all of the options for replacing your missing teeth with you so that you can choose the best implant treatment for you. 

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Dentures vs. Dental Implants in Brisbane

Dentures and dental implants are two of the most popular options, each with benefits and drawbacks for different people.

Today’s dentures are designed to look and feel as natural as possible, allowing you to chew and speak normally while supporting your cheeks and lips. 

When choosing between dental implants and dentures, most patients usually have a hard time deciding. This is because they want to make the right choice. Like them, you do not wish to make a mistake in determining the best option. In this article, you will learn the comparison between dental implants and dentures and decide which is best for you.  

Dentures vs. Dental Implants in Brisbane

Dental Implants Vs Dentures 

If you have a single missing tooth, multiple missing teeth, or dentures, dental implants may be an option to restore full tooth function and create a happy, confident smile.

Dental Implants

The implant procedure is simple and requires little downtime. Our advanced technical team creates your replacement tooth in our on-site laboratory. Teeth implants require the same level of care and attention as natural teeth, and if properly cared for, they can last a lifetime. 

We are confident that the results will meet or exceed your expectations and that your smile will meet or exceed them.

There are two parts to dental implants. The first is a biocompatible titanium fixture inserted beneath the gum line and serves as the tooth’s “root.” The secondary component supports the final replacement tooth. The tooth implant will not move once your dentist has placed it; you can brush your teeth and eat normally.


Dentures are a popular and often the most cost-effective method of replacing missing teeth. A new denture will not only boost your confidence but will also protect any remaining teeth and provide the necessary support to your facial muscles and dental tissue. 

Modern dentures are made of a high-strength acrylic material that fits snugly in the mouth, allowing you to smile, eat, and speak without fear of unsightly gaps in your teeth.

Full-Arch Implants vs. Dentures: What’s the Best Way to Replace All Your Teeth?

  1. Better Alternative: Dentures alone are no longer the only option when it comes to replacing all of your teeth. Your dentist may recommend full mouth or full arch dental implants if your teeth are badly decayed and need to be extracted or if you need to replace your old dentures.
  2. Cost-Effective: Dentures are less expensive than dental implants, and you can remove them whenever you want. They’re an excellent choice for those with a nasty bite or a weak jaw.
  3. Suitability: Dentures are not suitable for all people. If you don’t use denture adhesive to keep them in place while eating or speaking, they can fall out. Dentures that aren’t properly fitted can lead to infection or tooth decay. They should also be cleaned or replaced regularly if they show signs of wear.
  4. Maintenance: Teeth implants are permanent tooth replacements that have become a viable alternative to dentures in recent years. They cost more than dentures, but they last longer and save money over time. Dentures require more visits to the dentist than dental implants because they are more challenging to maintain.

With dental implants, you’ll never have to be concerned about your teeth falling out in public while speaking or laughing. They’re also more natural-looking and comfortable than dentures. Dental implants are your best option if you want to feel as if you’ve never lost a tooth before!

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Common Types Of Dentures 

  • Full dentures — A full set of dentures, also known as complete or conventional dentures. For patients who have lost all of their teeth, it is recommended.
  • Partial dentures (removable) — Patients with a few remaining teeth or who prefer a removable option should consider this option. Precision attachments are used to secure a removable partial denture to the natural teeth.
  • Partial dentures (fixed) — Patients who miss a few teeth or prefer a non-removable option should consider this option.
  • Implant -retained dentures (snap-in) — Snap-in dentures are a complete denture best for dental patients who have all teeth missing and require additional retention. When teeth are in the mouth, dental implants provide an anchorage for them to connect to.
  • Immediate dentures — Patients who need their teeth extracted and dentures installed the same day should choose this option.

Am I Eligible For Implants?

You are a good candidate for full-arch implants if you have good oral health. If your dentist detects gum disease or infection signs, it must be treated first, as it may jeopardize the implant procedure’s success. 

Unlike traditional implants supported by the jaw, full-arch implants are angled and may also be supported by the skull. This means that even if you aren’t a candidate for standard implants or bone grafting, you might be a good candidate for full mouth implants.

Although dental implants have a high success rate, any surgical or invasive procedure carries the risk of complications. Your implant dentist will discuss the risks and benefits of implant surgery with you to make an informed decision.

Infections or damage around the surgical site and sinus problems for upper jaw implants entering the sinus cavity are possible risks. By following your implant dentist’s advice, eating soft foods, keeping the site clean, and not smoking, you can reduce the risk of complications and improve your chances of a quick recovery.

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

Permanent dental implants are more expensive than removable dentures, but they will last longer. Teeth implants can last a lifetime if you maintain good oral hygiene.

The dental implants cost is determined by the number of implants needed, whether you’re replacing just your lower or upper teeth or all of them, and other factors. Your dentist can provide you with a quote and discuss the payment options available to you during the initial consultation so you can decide if implants are the best option for you.

Depending on your budget or need, both dentures and dental implants are effective. You can discuss this with an experienced dentist for more information. 

Are Teeth Implants Painful?

Both the gums and the jaw are traumatized during dental implant surgery. The surgery itself should be painless. However, as the numbness wears off, patients may experience some pain.