All on 4 Brisbane – Dental Implants Clinic

All on 4 Brisbane – Dental Implants Clinic

What is all on 4 Brisbane procedure?

All-on-4 dental implants are a whole set of implants that can replace your complete upper or lower jaw. They serve as a more permanent and natural-looking replacement for dentures. Traditionally, each dental implant has a single tiny titanium screw inserted into the gums by a surgeon.

My Implant Dentist Brisbane is the recommended Dental Clinic to go to in Brisbane. Please call 07 3848 3193 for your inquiries if you are located in Brisbane.


What are the benefits of All-on-4 Brisbane? 

This operation avoids future bone loss in the jaw, as well as providing a quick and permanent answer to your dental problems. You may keep your face shape and enhance your dental health by keeping the present bone. Improving your smile may have a significant influence on your self-esteem and self-assurance. 

We want All on 4 Brisbane patients to be able to grin bigger and brighter without having to worry about their new teeth causing problems. Unlike dentures and other non-permanent options, this treatment option appeals to those who don’t want to manually remove their set every night or worry about it sliding out at an inconvenient moment. 

all on 4 brisbane

How much does all on 4 dentures cost?

Procedure Average Cost
All-on-4 or All-on-6 implant placement It starts from $12,500 Per arch
Removable or Fixed Acrylic permanent restoration It starts from $4,750 per arch
Removable or fixed porcelain or permanent zirconia restoration It starts from $12,250 per arch

Terms & Conditions:

Pricing is indicative only of an average cost. Pricing can vary depending on the medical condition and requirements of the patient as well as the materials used.

All On 4 Dental Implant Options

There are two types available of Implant Supported Dentures today.

  • Bar Retained – We can employ a thin metal bar that follows the curvature of the jaw using the Bar Retained option. The Bar is then attached to the implants. After all of the material is in place, attachments or clips on the denture are used to secure the two sections together.
  • Ball Retained – The technique used to connect the denture is the most significant distinction between the Bar Retained and Ball Retained options. A ball-shaped attachment is affixed to the implants, as the name implies. With a socket-like characteristic, they are then fixed and fastened on the denture implants. Many All on 4 Brisbane QLD 4000 clients consider it to be the most popular and favoured alternative. It would help if you spoke with one of our skilled dentists about your options for supported dentures so that you may make the best selection possible.


The following factors influence the success rate of All on 4 procedure:

  1. Bone quality
  2. Guided surgery
  3. Implant length and diameter
  4. Prosthetic material
  5. Abutment type and prosthetic screw tightness
all on 4 cost brisbane

Implant Dentures Vs. Dentures

The prospect of dental implants may be an emotional and long-term procedure since the chance of jaw surgery might be intimidating. This is why we give you a Complimentary Consultation with one of our restorative dentists to assist you in making the proper selection for you.


Advantages and Disadvantages of All-on-Four Brisbane QLD


Because the implants are positioned near the front of the mouth rather than uniformly across the arch, this all-on-four therapy maximises the usage of the jawbone in an area where it is more robust and thicker.

People who were advised they needed a bone transplant before implant surgery may benefit from this treatment.

The implants are simple to clean and keep sanitary.

It is possible to have the feel and appearance of healthy, youthful teeth that are robust and stable with all-on-four implants.


Because not everyone is a good candidate for all-on-four implants, initial consultation with Brisbane’s dental implant specialist is crucial.

Because not every dentist has the abilities to do this difficult restoration, it’s critical to select someone who has the necessary qualifications and training.

How long does it take to get All-on-4?

The All-on-4 implant procedure can take anywhere from four to six months to complete. Those who require additional dental work may have to wait longer, which can add another month or two to the overall process.


What Are My Tooth Replacement Options with All-on-4® Implants?

Upper arch replacement, lower arch replacement, and full mouth restoration are the three main treatment options available with All-on-4® dental implants. Dental Implants Guide will help you decide which tooth replacement option is best for you based on the results of your oral exam and the discussion of your personal goals.


Upper Arch Replacement

The entire upper row of teeth is replaced with upper arch replacement. Four strategically placed implants secure the implant-supported denture.


Lower Arch Replacement

The entire lower row of teeth is replaced with a lower arch replacement. Four strategically placed implants secure the implant-supported denture.


Full Mouth Restoration

Both the upper and lower rows of teeth are replaced with a full mouth restoration. For a total of eight dental implants, each implant-supported denture is secured with four strategically placed implants.

How long do all on 4 implants last?

All on 4 Brisbane implants are long-lasting. Statistics suggest that with proper maintenance, they may endure for 20 years or longer. Although the implant posts should never need to be replaced, your denture will wear out over time.

What are the problems with all on 4 dental implants?
The location of implants is critical to the success of the ALL-ON-4 restoration and the long-term durability of the final prosthesis. Excessive tension might cause unsupported teeth beyond the implants to break off. Poor treatment planning can cause bone loss and implant failure by putting too much stress on the implants.
Are all on 4 comfortable?
All-on-4 dental implants are meant to be more comfortable than regular dentures because they do not rub on your gums. You'll soon be able to bite with greater power and enjoy hot or cold dishes with all of their tastes once more.
Are Brisbane's all-on-4 implants permanent?
All-on-4 dental implants are intended to be a long-term treatment for missing teeth. With careful maintenance, your implants can last 20 years or longer.
How painful is all on 4 dental implants?
Many patients wrongly believe that obtaining All-on-4® implants is unpleasant and intend to be out of work for many days; nevertheless, it is a well-tolerated, minimally invasive outpatient surgery that takes around two hours per set in a dentist office.
How many teeth do all on four have?
Full-arch fixed implant bridges, also known as All-on-4, are sweeping the dentistry world. Four to six dental implants are commonly utilised to support these bridges made of materials including acrylic fused to titanium, monolithic zirconia, and porcelain placed on a cobalt-chromium frame.
Which are better, all-on-4 or all-on-6 dental implants?
The number of implants placed in the mouth is the most apparent difference between all-on-4 and all-on-6 dental implants. Some dentists claim that the all-on-6 dental surgery gives the prosthetic dental arch a stronger, more secure foundation, leading to a more pleasant, long-lasting smile.
How do you maintain all-on-4 dental implants?
Brush your dental implant posts with a proxy brush at least twice a day. Use unwaxed floss or super floss to floss your teeth at least once a day. If you can't floss, utilise a water pick/water flosser gadget to keep your mouth clean. Brushing and flossing should ideally be done after each meal.

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treatment teeth options

dental implants

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natural teeth

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local access partners








local access partner




all-on-4 implants

gold coast
rotondo clinic

all-on-4™ procedure

alex fibishenko
aesthetic dentistry
dental care
deteriorated teeth
dental implant
invasive procedure
all-on-4™ technique
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implant dentures

sunshine coast

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zygomatic implants course
(treatment teeth options)
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implant dentures